The Gently Scramble for a space on the webland - Honesty Sales U.K

The Gently Scramble for a space on the webland

The Gently Scramble for a space on the web land

Gone are the days where lands are battled for and because of lands battles, enemies were made. Like the great Walls of China and the walls of Jericho, lands were protected heavily and it was death to cross into another. A trespass of no return. Many died and many were misplaced because of the scramble for lands, the mighty became more mightier.

The less mighty were able to acquire a land most of the time only by the mercy of the mighty. For the mighty, lands were given to generations after them, it became inheritance that run through the family.

The world is much developed and safer now, there are no battles for the acquisition of lands. Those that are able to work hard are able to also acquire a land. But now there is a new kind of a land and a new kind of a battle for these lands.

The Internet

The emergence of the Internet was a great thing, great opportunity was realised. A vergin and a fertile land, huge and great land. The web is huge, a space unmeasurable, for this it can be said, “there is a place and a space for all" Like the acquisition of a land and the development of it, the web is the same. Unlike the physical land where you first need to buy the land and secondly develop it, the web is free for all. Its so huge, you can just get a peace of it and start developing. The silent battle now is the battle of self challenge, a challenge of development and creativity for the benefit of all. But creativity and development are the boundaries of the land expanded without throwing a punch and yet there is still lands to explore and to employ the hands creativity. This I call the gentle Scramble for the webland.
By Edwin Asiedu-Nyarko

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