You can't exhaust His bountiful blessings
You can't exhaust His bountiful blessings
” Well, you can't exhaust His bountiful blessings. Could you imagine a little fish about a half-inch long, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean say, “I better drink of this water sparingly, ’cause I might run out.”
Psalm 23:5 ...
my cup runneth over.
A man said not long ago, said, “I—I don't want to bother God. You know I—I know He is awful busy.” Nonsense. “I—I don't want to…” Well, you can't exhaust His bountiful blessings. Could you imagine a little fish about a half-inch long, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean say, “I better drink of this water sparingly, ’cause I might run out.” Could you imagine a little mouse about so big under the great garners of Egypt saying, “I'd better eat, ration myself this winter to just two grains a day. I might run out before the new harvest.”
That's ridiculous. Well, it's twice that ridiculous, a thousand times more, to think you can exhaust the mercies of a merciful God. Why, He's trying to force His way into you. “Ask abundantly that your joys might be full.” No way to exhaust Him. Like a pump, the more you pump, the fresher the water gets. Oh, and I like that. Just keep pumping, living at the spout where the glory's coming out. I love that. Now, Moses cried to the Lord and the Lord said, “Rise up and go forward.” And when Moses went right straight and stepped his foot into the water, when that taken place, the Red Sea opened back, and Israel crossed over to a great victory.
William Branham