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Blog Posts

How to Cook Steak & Kidney Puddings: A Step-by-Step Guide

by Edwin Asiedu 19 Jun 2024 0 Comments

How to Cook Steak & Kidney Puddings: A Step-by-Step Guide

Steak and kidney puddings are a classic British dish that offer a hearty and comforting meal, perfect for colder days. This traditional dish consists of tender beef, kidney, and rich gravy encased in a suet pastry. Here’s a detailed guide on how to cook steak and kidney puddings at home.

**For the Filling:**
- 300g stewing steak, diced
- 150g lamb kidney, diced
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tbsp plain flour
- 500ml beef stock
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil

**For the Suet Pastry:**
- 225g self-raising flour
- 100g shredded suet
- Pinch of salt
- Cold water (approximately 150ml)

- Pudding basins (individual or one large)
- Steamer or large pot with a trivet


1. Prepare the Filling

1. **Sauté the Onions and Garlic:**
Heat the vegetable oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic, sautéing until soft and translucent.

2. **Brown the Meat:**
Add the diced steak and kidney to the pan. Cook until the meat is browned on all sides.

3. **Add Flour:**
Sprinkle the flour over the meat and stir well, ensuring the meat is coated. This will help thicken the gravy later.

4. **Simmer the Filling:**
Gradually add the beef stock while stirring. Bring to a simmer, then add Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper. Cover and let it cook on low heat for about 1 hour, or until the meat is tender and the sauce is thick. Set aside to cool slightly.

2. Make the Suet Pastry

1. **Mix the Dry Ingredients:**
In a large bowl, mix the self-raising flour, shredded suet, and a pinch of salt.

2. **Add Water:**
Gradually add cold water to the mixture, stirring until it forms a soft, but not sticky, dough. You may not need all the water.

3. **Roll Out the Dough:**
On a floured surface, roll out the dough to about 5mm thickness. Cut out circles large enough to line the pudding basins with some overhang.

3. Assemble the Puddings

1. **Line the Basins:**
Grease the pudding basins with butter. Line each basin with the suet pastry, pressing it gently into the sides and leaving an overhang at the top.

2. **Fill the Basins:**
Spoon the steak and kidney filling into each basin, filling almost to the top.

3. **Seal the Puddings:**
Roll out the remaining dough and cut out lids for the puddings. Place a lid on each pudding and press the edges to seal. Trim off any excess pastry and fold the overhang from the sides over the top to ensure a good seal.

4. Steam the Puddings

1. **Prepare the Steamer:**
If using a steamer, fill the base with water and bring to a boil. If using a pot, place a trivet or an upturned heatproof plate inside and fill with water to just below the trivet.

2. **Steam the Puddings:**
Cover each pudding basin with a piece of buttered parchment paper, then a piece of foil, securing them with kitchen string. Place the puddings in the steamer or on the trivet in the pot. Cover with a lid and steam for about 2 hours, ensuring the water doesn’t dry out (keep an eye on the water level and top up if necessary).

5. Serve the Puddings

Once steamed, carefully remove the puddings from the steamer or pot. Let them cool for a minute or two, then run a knife around the edge of each basin to loosen the pudding. Turn them out onto serving plates.

Serve your steak and kidney puddings with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables for a complete and comforting meal.

Tips for Perfect Steak & Kidney Puddings

- **Use fresh ingredients:** Fresh beef and kidneys will give the best flavor and texture.
- **Proper sealing:** Ensuring the pastry is well-sealed prevents water from entering the pudding during steaming.
- **Slow cooking:** Allowing the filling to cook slowly ensures tender meat and rich gravy.

Enjoy your homemade steak and kidney puddings, a true taste of traditional British cuisine!

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