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The Most Healthiest Cocoa Drink

by Edwin Asiedu 20 Nov 2022 0 comments

The Most Healthiest Cocoa Drink

IT SEEMS our grandparents knew a thing or two about cocoa that we didn't. When they were tucking into their nightly drink a new study suggests that they were also improving the performance and health of their brains. Cocoa is currently experiencing a surge in popularity, as consumers are increasingly opting for a relaxing cup of hot chocolate to mark the end of a busy day.

As well as providing an opportunity to take some 'time out' and relax, drinking flavanol cocoa can improve the blood-flow to the brain and even the capacity for memory and learning, according to research from Harvard University published in February 2007. This newly reported health benefit comes on top of several studies, which show that cocoa can have beneficial effects for heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, stress and even cancer.


However, before you rush off to the shops to buy some cocoa for your nightcap, you need to know that you won't get these benefits from any old cocoa drink. The health-promoting nutrients of cocoa are its flavanols and antioxidants, both of which occur in high numbers in natural cocoa. Most cocoa powders on sale today, however, have been subjected to heavy processing, and have lost between 33% and 50% of their antioxidant and flavanol levels. To ensure you really are drinking a healthy cup of hot chocolate, you need to choose a natural, flavanol-rich cocoa such as Brown Gold. Drinking cocoa in its natural state also means that your body will absorb twice as many antioxidants per cup as a similar sized portion of red wine.

Brown Gold Cocoa is manufactured by Hords Limited from the Republic of Ghana, and is distributed in the EU by Fula Foods Ltd. It is a natural and delicious cocoa powder with a long-standing heritage, which is testament to its popularity in Ghana. The cocoa powder has been grown in the same, traditional manner since the mid-19th century, and is called Brown Gold for a good reason. For many generations of Ghanaians, growing cocoa has been the major route to financial independence. Cocoa remains the only means of sustaining many small Ghanaian communities, and continues to be farmed in the traditional manner in family held farms. The fact that Brown Gold cocoa is grown on small farms means the communities benefit from product sales. Sales of Brown Gold are contributing towards the renovation of a school in the village of Akomadan in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Brown Gold is a natural cocoa product so you'll immediately notice the superior taste quality compared to other more processed brands.

Once the world's leading supplier of cocoa, Ghana is still renowned for its finer quality and luxurious taste. Ghanaian food is expected to become increasingly popular with British shoppers who are showing a growing interest in the provenance of food and drink products. Ghana celebrated its 50th year of independence from British rule on March 6, 2007, and numerous events were organised throughout the UK to mark the special occasion and raise interest in the country. Ghanaians typically drink cocoa twice a day to get the most health benefits from their cocoa. It is traditionally consumed in the morning as a breakfast drink and in the evening as a nightcap.

On both occasions Ghanaians like to drink it hot, and made only with water, as the addition of milk and sugar can impair the body's absorption of the active cocoa ingredients. How you choose to drink Brown Gold is entirely up to you, all we ask is that you sit back, relax and enjoy the Ghanaian experience.

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