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The Original Intension

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

The Original Intension

Oh, what we need today is that a man be a man, a woman, a lady. God intend them be that way: dress different

Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

When God made a man first, he made him both male and female in spirit. He made him in His Own image, and God is a Spirit. When He separated him, and put him in flesh, he put the masculine spirit in a man, and the feminish spirit in a woman. And if anything's contrary to that, there's a bit of perversion there. Exactly. You see a woman trying to act like a man, there's a little something wrong there. The cell's crossed up somewhere. That's right. You see a man so sissified that he won't preach against sin or nothing else like that, to hurt somebody's feelings, there's a cross up there somewhere too, not only his natural birth, but spiritual birth. Oh, what we need today is that a man be a man, a woman, a lady.

God intend them be that way: dress different. Say, “You're hammering us women.” Now I'm going to tell you about the man. Any man that'll let his wife smoke cigarettes, and wear them shorts, and act like that, there's very little man in him, to my opinion. 


William Branham

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