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There’s a let down somewhere

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

There’s a let down somewhere

You’ve got to take the Word. There’s a let down somewhere. You’ve got to get back to the Gospel, back to Christ, back to the living Word, not bypass it for something this way. You’ve got to believe it. What if He’d go say, “They don’t believe in healing any more. Your stripes were in vain to them, ’cause they say days of miracles is past”? Oh, He must have to blush when He says that before the Father. Yes. See, they don’t—they don’t believe it. They’re getting away from it, day by day falling farther and farther away. You know that. You don’t have to think about it. Some of you old people have been in this longer than I have. Look back a few years ago, what it was: all-night prayer meetings.

Ephesians 4:14

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.

I could say something right burning here. It might hurt, but you know, this is a house of correction. Do you believe it? I’m glad you said that. That means, “so be it.” What do you think that God would do today when the Holy Spirit comes and tell Him that in our churches that we’ve accepted dogmas instead of His Word? What do you think, we accept creeds instead of Christ? What do you think He does when our—when He comes up and says that His daughters have all bobbed off their hair, wearing shorts, smoking cigarettes? That’s the… The Bible said such can’t enter. To misbelieve… You say, “It doesn’t make any difference.” Don’t you let the devil tell you that! If God said so… Paul said here in Galatians 1:8, “If an angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel than this that I have preached, let him be accursed.” Why did it make so much difference? Even the little thing of Lot’s wife even turning, looking over her shoulder, and turned to a pillar of salt. You’ve got to take the Word. There’s a let down somewhere. You’ve got to get back to the Gospel, back to Christ, back to the living Word, not bypass it for some something this way. You’ve got to believe it. What if He’d go say, “They don’t believe in healing any more. Your stripes were in vain to them, ’cause they say days of miracles is past”? Oh, He must have to blush when He says that before the Father. Yes. See, they don’t—they don’t believe it. They’re getting away from it, day by day falling farther and farther away. You know that. You don’t have to think about it. Some of you old people have been in this longer than I have. Look back a few years ago, what it was: all-night prayer meetings. What do you do tonight? Let off on Wednesday night, maybe by six o’clock or seven o’clock. Maybe you don’t even come to the prayer meeting. You want to go see some old filthy television thing, of some woman married four or five times to some man; or a man married four or five times, then say you love God, staying away from prayer meetings. That’s right. Watch “We Love Sucy,” or Elvis Presley, or some of the guys that’s sold their birthrights for a mess of pot… Elvis Presley was a Pentecostal boy: sent more souls to hell than Judas ever would. Sure, ’cause taking these young girls, and they say, “Why, he’s very religious.” Don’t you believe such a thing as that. Religious? Satan is too. So was Cain. Don’t you believe that. It’s just the devil’s works to get you, kids, out there on the floors with all this boogly-woogly, and all that nonsense, twist, and all kinds of stuff out there, vulgar living, half-dressed.


62-0711 - Hear Ye Him

Rev. William Marrion Branham

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