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This is a choosing time in the valley of decision

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

This is a choosing time in the valley of decision

This is a choosing time. You cannot stand neutral any longer. You may leave before the message is over, but you can’t go out that door the same person you come in. That’s right. You’ll cross that threshold, tonight, either a better person or a—a more evil person than you was when you entered. You can’t help it. It’s up to you to make a decision.

Joel 3:14

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.

And every mortal thing speaks of an immortal One coming, for everything that we see is a perverted act of something that’s real. I marry a couple, and see a lovely young girl in her blushing teen, a young man with his shoulders back, standing as they are, one, and their hearts beating together. I think, “Isn’t that too pretty a picture to ever be marred by death?” But it’s just a few years till the hair turns gray, the shoulders stoop, and back to the dust they go. What is it? It’s a picture, when they’re standing there, that there is a Land beyond the River, where every symptom of death is taken away.

There, immortal, shall stand in His likeness, the sun and the stars to outshine. That great morning star hasn’t lost any of its beauty since the Lord blowed it from His hands and hung it in its orbit, and look what a few years does to us. But what did He say in the Scripture? He said, “Those that have turned many to righteous shall outshine the stars.” “So we look for a City Whose Builder and Whose Maker is God.”

After you see this great something that I’m trying to build your mind into, for a context, I’m trying to let you see out here that there is a—a working of an enemy. And the working of the enemy, by a perverted spirit, is trying to do that which the Spirit of Christ is trying to do. The enemy is trying, like the pro and con, to unite all the world under one great head. The world is doing that; Russia, U.N. And now let me go just a little further. And the church is trying to do it, under man-made setup. It’ll never work. It’s not God’s program. I can prove that by His Word. But, you know, God made you a person, to make you desire to be that way, so that He could fill you up with His goodness.

 Now, if…A man has to be full of something. That’s right. This is a choosing time. You cannot stand neutral any longer. You may leave before the message is over, but you can’t go out that door the same person you come in. That’s right. You’ll cross that threshold, tonight, either a better person or a—a more evil person than you was when you entered. You can’t help it.

It’s up to you to make a decision. Now, notice, it’s a choosing time. You can’t be neutral. It’s a choosing time. “You must choose you this day whom you’re going to serve.” And the devil has presented many things, glamorous, that you can choose if you wish to. You can’t remain the way you are.

58-0128 - The Oneness Of Unity

Rev. William Marrion Branham

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