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You are living images of God

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

You are living images of God

God always fills His temple. At the day of dedication He fills His temple. He fills it with Hisself. The same thing, today. God will fill every temple that will thoroughly dedicate itself to Him, any persons that will. The temple is not this little building here. The temple is not the one in Salt Lake City. The temple is not the one in Rome. The temple is you.


You are the temple that God wants to dwell in and express Hisself through it, that all nations might know Him. You are living images of God, that God wants to work through. And any time that any man or any woman will forget all the falsehood that they’ve heard in the world, and come back to the line of the Scripture, and will keep in line. Just like, Solomon did to what Moses did. Moses did to what God did. God always respected it. And if we’ll come back to the original dedication and will open our hearts and empty ourselves, God, in dedication, as we give it to Him, will fill our temple with His Shekinah glory. Then the living God will be moving in a living Church, among a living people, and will spread forth His glory. Then, together, some day, one being this way, and one this way, and one one part of the country, She’ll come together to make the Bride. We’ll be caught up in the air, to meet Him. Now, this lovely church, this building that the people, with their tokens of their livelihood, with their love for Christ, the worshippers has dedicating, today, this place of worship, that people could come and worship. Now, my sincere prayer is that every worship will…worshipper will dedicate his own temple, to worship, in the temple that’s being dedicated for worship. That’s the real dedication. So as our time is gone, but God has no time. Let us remember.


How late is it? I’m looking at old people. It may be later than you think. I’m looking at young people, young girls. 96 Look, these little kids was found, cut up, the other day, them little girls ravished. How many of them die every year? Thousands, with heart attacks, cancer, polio, anything that can kill them, accidents on the road. We don’t know, how young or how old, when is the time going to come? When is your card going to be called from the rack? No one knows that but God. That’s right. So while you are here, today, in the dedication of this material here, that worshippers are coming to worship the living God, why not dedicate ourselves to the worship of the living God, and let Him fill us with Himself? And then we shall see the Shekinah glory return again to the house of the living God, which is the human body, the Church of the living God, together, in a great revival that would sweep through this country, around these towns, and all out through here. There will be such a noise. Why, they—they couldn’t stop it. There’s no way of doing it. You think you could stop Stephens? Why, he was like a—a house on fire in a high wind. Why, you couldn’t stop him. Even the Sanhedrin couldn’t stop him. And, you know, even death itself didn’t stop him. He lived on. And he lives today. And he always will live, because he had Eternal Life, and a house dedicated to the service of God. 

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