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The more He Is blessed, the littler the man will become

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

The more He Is blessed, the littler the man will become.

The more He blessed, the littler the man will become. And you'll never get more of God until you become nothing. You've got to belittle yourself. He that will exalt himself, God will bring abase. He that will humble himself, God will exalt. You've got to get little before you can get big. And you'll never be big in your own self; you'll only be as big as God will be big in you. See?

Matthew 23:12
And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.


It's…God has a hard time trying to get somebody that He can deal with, that'll stay humble, and meek, and stay in the place until God calls him to do something (you believe that? See?), a man that God can bless and he'll still keep hisself a man, not be an angel or a god. As soon as man gets blessed and has a little something given to him, he wants to become a god; he wants to become a—a angel. He wants to become some great person. "What I do, what…Me and me and mine…" all that. That's the wrong attitude. God's hunting for somebody who He could bless and pour out the blessings, and—and more He blessed, the littler the man will become. And you'll never get more of God until you become nothing.

You've got to belittle yourself. He that will exalt himself, God will bring abase. He that will humble himself, God will exalt. You've got to get little before you can get big. And you'll never be big in your own self; you'll only be as big as God will be big in you. See?


Questions And Answers

William Branham

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