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Power without character

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

Power Without Character

Everybody wants power, everybody actually needs power to function. Everybody actually has power. Power comes in all sorts.

Power to sit, power to rise, power to walk, power to speak, power to see, power to even sleep. Without power there is actually no life, with life comes power.

There are also some peculiar powers. Power of a physical appearance, that may come in the form of arts, cultural displays, physical human appearance of ''beauty'.

The entire universe is operated by power, without it nothing works. From the stars above, to the sea below. Anything that moves, attracts, influence, rules, heals, kills etc are all controlled by power.

To talk of all these powers will be unending. In this article, we are going to concentrate on one of the many aspects of this power, the power that dwells withing the human being.

This indwelling power is really powerful, by it many things has been done. The bible calls it hidden treasure in vessels.


What is this treasure? some call it, the soul. No one has ever seen God at anytime, but to see another human being, by this power we can say, we have seen the appearance of the invisible God or the appearance of a peace of God. 

How powerful is this soul or this consciousness? Look around and you will know, man's creativity and innovation, arts and inspirational music. This is only one form, but there is another form so powerful that usually defies science, for this, we will focus.

Now before we get into to our main topic, lets also examine political power.

Politics, as describe by Webster, is the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government.

Simply put, any power over a group of people is a political power. 

By this kind of power, many harm has been done, people with the wrong characters with power has cost severe harm to the people. Any form of power without character is satanic, any power. From the simplest of power to the greatest of power without character is satanic. 

Godly Power - True power serves. No matter what that power may be, how small it is. It heals, it aids, it comforts, it's a burden bearer. It does not talk of his own but of others, it lifts up.


Now lets go back to this peculiar power of the soul.

A True Life Story Of Power That has no charactor.

This story was told to me by a close friend. 

This friend narrates instances of his anger where even machines stops while he work in a factory. He told me, he was not aware of this but he became aware as time went on. He also realised that not only does machines stop operating when he is angry but also when he is preaching the Word of God, he narrates how something will come over him and he will continue to speak and speak, with such understanding that he himself learns from it and that at these instances any mechanical thing around him will stop. 

He began to realise that this kind of power can course harm and at the same time be good, this being operated by his mode, a mode which is due to his character.

Finally, something that really got to him was that, he was onetime so upset with the behavior of a man, he was so upset that at night he saw 7 men standing by him in his room. They never said a word. Few days later, the man passed on. 

Then he began to work on his character, he realise that this character of anger can course damage.

By this story, I got the topic, Power without Character is satanic. The story goes, he said, '' I am really careful now, people's behavior towards me are sometimes strange and provocative, but I think its a test of my character, I am working on my character, I don't want to hurt anybody anymore''. 

Power trully wihiout charactor is satanic.

Power to talk, how do you use it? Power to walk, how do you use it? Power to see, how do you use it, power of physical stregnth, how do you use it. If we all use these powers that nature has given us to serve one another, what a world will this be.

By E. Asiedu


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