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Challenges makes perfect

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

Challenges makes perfect

No one wants challenges, we all want a smooth ride in all our endeavors.

Success is good, but what is the value of success without the challenges,  the failures, the stumbling blocks, the disappointment and the heartaches.

In 2002, Michael Carroll a U.K citizen won millions in the lottery but became broke, having spent his fortune on new homes, drugs, parties, jewelry and cars.

 Michael won the lottery in 2002, scoping £9.7m

The story of Carrol tells us that there is no value in success without the challenges. Success without challenges is like having millions but just fakes. Carrol, after spending all the money, went back to his day job of lugging logs for £10 and hr, he's gone back to where he is suppose to be. Nature has a tendency of putting things in the right places. Growth is surely needed in all things, a sturdy growth.

Many people will say, ''I wish I won that money'' - money they say has wings and can fly away, it's a bird. That is why the need for a trained hand to harvest, get a couple of cages, feed it, if that bird is a female, find a male, make it comfortable, let them lay some eggs and begin your multiplication. For money surely has wings and without a trained hand it will surely fly away.

Success does not necessarily comes in the form of money but success always have a value attached to it. 

Challenges creates character, a bit of oozes, pains, cuts and some broken bones, you are reshaped and re-equipped. 

Challenges truly makes perfect. 

By E. Asiedu


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